Saturday, 30 March 2013

Africa Month...

When we lived in New Zealand, I went through a small version of Sadness. One thing A decided would help was to sort me out was setting me little challenges, learning to draw (ha! This is me! Never going to be successful!), learning to juggle, making something with sprouts that was actually nice...

Slightly by accident, this has happened again. In January, I decided we would have a month off from buying any meat or fish. We had lots in the freezer we could use if needed and also it would be good for our waistlines after Christmas to just eat more veg. At the end of January we had both enjoyed having a theme to the month and so A set a theme for February (fish) and March (Africa). It wasn't rigorous. We didn't eat fish or african cuisine for every meal but we ate more fish than usual and dabbled with dishes from Africa whenever there was a chance.

And, in terms of Sadness and in general, it has been a success. I have thoroughly enjoyed both fish month (the stand out dish was a mustard and oat topped trout dish) and Africa month (some good tagines but the winners were definitely Tunisian briks and bruinpoeding from South Africa). Having something unstressful, interesting and slightly challenging to focus on is definitely a good thing.

April's theme I fear may not be so successful. No supermarkets. While I like the idea, I fear it doesn't fall into the unstressful category and I'm also not sure it will actually be interesting enough to do good there either. But I may be wrong...or I may yet persuade A to change the theme!


  1. It won't be stressful! Just takes a bit of planning, e.g. if a particular shop is a little out of your way and requires a drive, then maybe stock up and fill your freezer. IMHO it's all about finding the right shops - the ones which excite you the moment you walk in. My favourite food indies are lovecheese on Gillygate and that butcher's near to where you used to live. And the Haxby baker is meant to be incredible, right? You'll have fun! Good luck! x

  2. I'm still unclear which baker is meant to be the amazing one! They are all good but none quite justify the reputation I feel! But maybe I will discover something new about them in the next month... :)

  3. If you get stuck for bakeries, try Via Vecchia on the Shambles, or the Hairy Fig on Fossgate, which sells VV bread. BUT you have to get to VV quickly (they close up shop when they sell out, usually late morning or midday) AND it's so fresh you have to eat it the same day to enjoy it to its fullest. But it's worth the's amazing bread!

  4. I think you are insane - but very brave. The thought of no supermarkets leaves me cold. And from the sounds of what desertmum1 writes, you are going to be spending a lot of time in town!! You are very brave and I admire you hugely!
