Saturday, 13 April 2013

Accidental Blogging

One of the problems of small children is that you don't get to do things when you think of them.

Take my last post. I was really keen to write a positive post, to talk about the good week, the fun times had (two highlights were a trip to a really excellent soft play place that everyone enjoyed, delightful to see G so carefree, and watching E watch a steam train for the first time, you could see the cogs whirring in her little mind) and the general sense of progress. However, there were things to be done, noses to wipe, sleep to be caught, and I simply did not get to write the post when it was on my mind. So then I tried to write it when the time had passed, when the positives were starting to fade and when I felt lousy. It didn't work, for me at any rate. I don't know how it was for you but it was all wrong for me.

So here is my plan. If I miss the boat on a post in my head, I won't write it. Them's the breaks. It might make things more disjointed, but I hope it will keep me a little straighter on the original intention of this blog.

Oh, and today? That was a good day too. Despite the fact that I now have pretty proper flu. I think when my mind gets taken up with something, such as feeling dreadful, it doesn't have time to be so worried. Every cloud...

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