Thanks for waiting, if indeed you have!
In the past few months, I have written a number of posts for this blog but they have all remained firmly in my head, fingers failing to reach the keyboard, "publish" key not tapped. This is for lots of reasons and I won't bore you with the majority of them. But here is one thing I have been thinking about a bit over the past few weeks.
Life gets easier pretty much constantly at the moment. G and E are increasingly able to do things for themselves - putting shoes on, coats on, getting dressed and undressed, using forks and spoons, finding the book/toy/DVD they want and so on and so on. I even have two mornings a week to myself. Of course there are days that are more difficult, caused by illness or tiredness or general crankiness or wet weather or a lack of adventure or too much adventure or... But the general trend is for an ever easier life than when they were teeny tiny or quite small or just a month ago.
However, I have significantly less spare time. When breast feeding a baby, especially without a toddler around, you can get quite a lot done. Replying to texts and emails, making a phone call, Internet shopping, writing a blog... Nothing that involves any great movement but still stuff that needs doing. Even a few months ago, I could get the odd email or text blasted off "on the side" while the kids were playing. At the moment, this just doesn't happen without expressly explaining to G&E that for the next two minutes, they will have to wait. They want my attention All The Time. There is always a question that needs answering, some Lego to build, a toy to mend, a story to read, ten more questions, a cup of milk to heat up (G has become a total fuss pot and only I know exactly how to heat his milk apparently. And he won't drink it cold. Or drink anything else.), seventeen more questions to answer, some biscuits to make because E has just decided that is The Thing this afternoon or maybe just a few more questions to answer. The point being that where a while ago, my presence was the necessary thing, now it is very much my attention and my mind that are required.
Fundamentally this is a good thing. My kids are growing and taking an interest in everything. It is more interesting for me too. The days that dragged by with me bored to tears because the games were just so repetitive and my mind had left the building are, for now at least, behind us. It is more fun, more interesting and vastly more time consuming. And so I haven't replied to texts or emails or written any of the thank you letters that I should have because it just doesn't fit. Nor have I written a blog post.
I am not complaining, it simply took me by surprise, this latest change in how my days are structured, what I can and cannot do and what does and doesn't end up taking my time. It will all change again, of that I am absolutely certain.
I wanted to drop by and try and get back in this habit because, frankly, I need to be a bit honest all over again. Winter is not my friend. Hopefully now I have broken the silence, I will be back to say a little more soon.
Til then. Cheerio!
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